
The clothes were falling out of my wardrobe and drawers and I needed help. I know Helen and am aware of her expertise, so I overcame my embarrassment and asked for her help to sort my clothes and storage issues out. I was very nervous about having someone go through my belongings and see how untidy my space had become and all of the impulse buying I have done over the years. Helen quickly put me at ease with her non-judgmental professionalism and knowledge. What should have been a task became fun.

Helen and I went through everything in my wardrobe,.. I was amazed at how much space and how tidy and organised it was when Helen had finished. After we finished sorting my clothes and shoes, Helen packed up the discarded items and took them to the Hospice Shop. I learnt a lot from Helen ā€“ mainly how easy it is to keep your drawers and wardrobe tidy and
organised once it has been sorted. This was also great for when I went on holiday ā€“ I fitted so much more in my suitcase after shopping sprees while I was away.

I found Helen to be very knowledgeable, approachable and helpful and would recommend her services to anyone who needs help tidying, sorting and down-sizing.
Adrienne Boyd

My wardrobe is so much more functional now that Helen has been. I have booked her for my office now. Helen keeps me focused, and I stay on task. I can make decisions much easier when she is here. I would not have gotten this done without Helen being here.
Alice McCormick


An article for Downsizing on Aged Advisor website, and in their 2024 magazine mentioning Neat Spaces. Has some tips and advice from Helen.
