
Hands-On Organising: sorting, storage solutions

Hands-On Decluttering: identifying what to keep and recognizing what to let go, deciding what to sell, keep, donate, and gift

Organising and Decluttering advice and training

Set up Sustainable Systems: to allow you to live how you want, reduce stress in your life and create harmony and calm with your belongings and in the spaces you live and work.

Downsizing: assistance with decluttering, sorting, storage, deciding what to sell, keep, donate, and gift

Storage Solutions: conception and advice

Deceased Estate Assistance: sorting, categorising,

The Art of Folding: training and advice

I work in 3 hour minimum sessions. These can be extended by the hour. A plan will be discussed prior to booking your session/s. A one-off free 20 minute consultation is offered prior to a session. This is either in person or by phone.

Areas Included: Kitchen, Pantry and Living Areas, Linen Cupboard, Laundry, Bedrooms, Wardrobes, Bathroom, Office, Garage and Whole House